Course Nr. VIII

Finishing mosaics – the childs of sorrow
Workshop for beginners and advanced students

14., 15. + 16. November 2025

Course content: Who hasn't experienced this? A work is unfinished and has been lying around unfinished at home for some time. Every time you look at it, you think, I wanted to have finished that a long time ago. Or you just can't get any further at a certain point - you lack inspiration and a practical tip for finishing it. This December workshop offers the time for unfinished mosaics. With new enthusiasm and professional support, you can continue working and, in the best case, finish a mosaic.

Registration Tanja Lebski
Workshop fee: 260 €

working hours:
Friday 13-17pm
Saturday 9-16/17pm incl. lunchtime
sunday 10-13pm

Snacks and beverages included
Materials cost extra
maximum 4-6 Participants

The courses are led by Tanja Lebski and take place in the premises of the:

Art workshop in Altleiningen (Pfalz)
Waldstraße 17a * 67317 Altleiningen

The registration is done by e-mail using the contact form. Your registration is binding with a deposit of 50,00 €. You will receive the account data by mail. If you have any questions about the course or accommodation, please contact me. If there are enough interested parties (at least 3), individual course dates can be fixed, also weekly courses for larger objects are possible.