Course Nr. VIII
Finishing mosaics – the childs of sorrow
Workshop for beginners and advanced students
14., 15. + 16. November 2025
Course content: Who hasn't experienced this? A work is unfinished and has been lying around unfinished at home for some time. Every time you look at it, you think, I wanted to have finished that a long time ago. Or you just can't get any further at a certain point - you lack inspiration and a practical tip for finishing it. This December workshop offers the time for unfinished mosaics. With new enthusiasm and professional support, you can continue working and, in the best case, finish a mosaic.
Registration Tanja Lebski
Workshop fee: 260 €
working hours:
Friday 13-17pm
Saturday 9-16/17pm incl. lunchtime
sunday 10-13pm
Snacks and beverages included
Materials cost extra
maximum 4-6 Participants