Sedimenti dell’Epoche
Like layers of earth through all times back to the origins
our humanity, these are also patterns and styles, materials and ways of laying.
Title: "sedimenti dell'epoche"
Dimensions: approx. 120 x 55 x 2 cm
Materials: porcelain, smalti, glass, porcelain, snail shells, shells,
natural stone, copper, gold leaf, styrodur
Ceraton, Smalti, Glas, Porzellan, Schneckenhäuser, Muscheln, Murmeln, Kupferfolie, Blattgold, Styropor
Year of origin: 4/2010
Description: Like layers of earth through all times back to the origins
our humanity, these are also patterns and styles, materials and ways of laying.
"Sediment -
stratifications -
flaking insights into the past
Breaking fragments of different epochs -
everything past is also in the here and now